Tips and cheats against thefts in the Internet
Who does not know it, the problem with pictures and diagrams for the homepage. The one you need are either too complicated or one does not have them.
So it will be for sure somewhere in the Net. Who searches finds also. Unfortunately not always the servers, which offer such "free of charge " and copyright-free in the net. Who uses the picture search function of the search engines, usually finds them on private or commercial sides. Which is thus more simply, than: Mouse-click right, picture store under. Surely, nearly everyone made it and is in my opionion, if it is only for the private use, OK. The problem starts, if one publishes it on the own homepage. The source of the graphic or pic should be stated then at least. Usually this does not happen however.
Here now this page begins. It is to show a few relatively simple ways, how one protects oneself at least against walk-in thieves. Against "professionals" there is no real protection. The only way, that helps against "experienced thieves", is not to place the picture in the net, unfortunately. Enough the long speech, here now comes the first cheat. You see 2 pictures, try once to copy them with the right mouse button and check after, what you have "stolen" with permission.
Who looks at the stored picture, with astonishment he will state that he stored a file with 78 bytes. A transparent GIF with 0 contents.
Who does not want to store, he can check it also with the right mouse button under Properties. The original file has by the way 8.2 kByte.
The users of IE 6 know that
with which Microsoft makes itself accomplice of the picture thieves. Starting from a certain dimension of pictures this Toolbar is indicated automatically above in the picture.
In addition, there is a simple way to prevent from this. In the Head-section of the HTML-file one Meta-tag in the form:
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
has to be placed in. Immediately the Toolbar is not any longer indicated.
How were the pictures protected? Under this Link is more avowed.
© Ulrich Hoffmann 2003